Donations will fix up governor's residence
By John Tuohy
February 26, 2005
Gov. Mitch Daniels announced today that more than 20 private contractors have agreed to donate their services to repair the governor's residence at in the Meridian-Kessler area.
The volunteers, combined with donations, will free taxpayers from picking up any of the costs, Daniels said.
An estimated $2.6 in repairs and redecorating are needed at the mansion, which was built in the 1920s, but Daniels didn't know how much of that the volunteers would get done.
"Hundreds of thousands of dollars," Daniels said.
Daniels said he would seek donations from the public to pick up any leftover costs. He said he and his wife, Cheri, would make the first donations.
more... I am wondering is why are these companies willing to donate goods and services all of a sudden? It's not like this residence has suddenly come into disrepair. Hmmmm.... :eyes: