Lawmaker abandons measure in an attempt to gain votes for change to daylight-saving time.
By Mary Beth Schneider mary.beth.schneider@indystar.com February 28, 2005
State Rep. Michael Murphy said he's dropping a controversial plan to let the governor appoint Marion County judges to help the chances of an even more controversial bill -- daylight-saving time.
That issue, a key part of Gov. Mitch Daniels' economic development agenda, is set for a vote either today or Tuesday in the Indiana House. Last week, House Bill 1034 -- putting all of Indiana on daylight-saving time -- didn't have the 51 votes needed to pass. With some of the 52 Republicans planning to oppose the time switch, supporters are scavenging for Democratic votes.
Eliminating Murphy's bill, which took away Marion County voters' power to choose their county's judges, should eliminate at least one hurdle.
"Daylight-saving time is too important for the judges bill to get in the way," (anyone else this that statement is, uh ... ridiculous?) :shrug: said Murphy, R-Indianapolis. Murphy said the governor's office didn't directly ask him to drop House Bill 1703. But Daniels applauded the decision.
"I did think that this measure was ill-advised at this time," Daniels said. "But Mike had to make his own decision, and he did. It had come to be a point of contention that could get in the way of larger things, not just daylight-saving time."
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I'm glad the "Let Mitch Select Our Judiciary" Bill is dead for the moment, but what a stupid-assed excuse to use ...