The one where author Paul Loeb spoke was so good I went up and bought the book afterwards. Here is some info on his book and a link. It would be good reading for anyone. I will bring my copy to the next DU meetup to share.
--The Impossible Will Take a Little While: A Citizen’s Guide to Hope in a Time of Fear edited by Paul Rogat Loeb.
This book creates a conversation among some of the most visionary and eloquent voices of our times: Think Nelson Mandela, Maya Angelou, Arundhati Roy, Tony Kushner, and Václav Havel. Alice Walker, Jonathan Kozol, Diane Ackerman, Susan Griffin, and Marian Wright Edelman. Cornel West, Terry Tempest Williams, Jim Hightower, and Desmond Tutu. There's also some guy named Howard Zinn.
With this book, editor Paul Loeb, whom Susan Sontag has called “a national treasure” for his work on courage and conscience, builds on his activist classic, 'Soul of a Citizen.' He explores what it’s like to go up against Goliath, whether South African apartheid, the iron fist of Eastern European dictatorship, or Mississippi segregation. These stories don’t sugarcoat the obstacles. But they inspire hope by showing what keeps us keeping on--even when the odds seem overwhelming. They replenish the wellsprings of our commitment.
If you care about change in a world where most people are told their voices don’t count, think of this book as a gift to yourself, bread for the journey to keep on working for justice.
Find out more by visiting www.theimpossible.org. You’ll find excerpts from the book, wonderful reviews, information on classroom use, questions for reading groups and lots more.