Well, here goes.
Fellow DU'ers.....
I'm hosting (along with two of my fellow Hoosier Deaniacs in South Bend, Kathy and Scott) a "Virtual House Party" for Joe Donnelly's "World's Largest Congressional House Party Campaign" who is our candidate in the 2nd congressional district of the great state of Indiana and the home district of our wonderful Governor, Joe Kernan. We will be hosting this party throughout the month of June and today is our kickoff. All of the funds raised will go towards our grassroots organizing, voter registration drive, door-to-door canvassing and GOTV effort.
We three are "just" volunteers for Joe but we have gotten to know him and his wife Jill over the last few months and have grown to love and respect them both. They are truly down-to-earth and fun loving while at the same time, respect and care very deeply for the people in the 2nd district. Joe is a terrific candidate and one-heck-of-a-nice guy. He is meeting the people of our district one-person-at-a-time. I know we can take this district back for the Dems from Bush's buddy Chris Chocola and send him back to the golf course.
I would also like to invite all of you here at DU (in and out of the district) to meet Joe and Jill if you possibly can . At the end of the "World's Largest Congressional House Party" campaign there will be a district-wide celebration on the evening of June 30 at an undisclosed location in South Bend, to celebrate our efforts. I can disclose this location at any time if you e-mail me.
I'm also hoping to have Joe post a few words and answer your questions at some point, but of course I'll have to ask him first.
Joe's web site is
http://www.joedonnellyforcongress.com and if you do would like to make a donation to our house party, please indicate that it is for our house party by adding .13 cents to your donation.
Joe's campaign is kicking off the district-wide "World's Biggest Congressional House Party" today. If you would like to host an event or just talk to a few friends and raise some money for Joe you can contact them at campaign@joedonnellyforcongress.com and put "Debbie sent me" in the subject line.
If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me or just post a note here.
Thanks for your time!
Just Joe 04......Donnelly and Kernan.
PS-Salin, if you happen to read this a big "hello again" from fellow "Bush-Protest-Veteran" Deb in South Bend.