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Is state rep Miek Murphy (R-Indianapolis) illegally raising funds?

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descolada99 Donating Member (147 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-02-05 02:17 PM
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Is state rep Miek Murphy (R-Indianapolis) illegally raising funds?
Edited on Sat Apr-02-05 02:59 PM by descolada99
A letter sent to Sec. of State Todd Rokita from the Indiana Democratic Party.

I also posted on this at the Indiana Democratic Club website.

Also posted a diary on Kos about this for any interested non-Hoosiers or Hoosiers that may not frequent here.

March 31, 2005

The Honorable Todd Rokita
Secretary of State of Indiana
201 Statehouse
Indianapolis, IN 46204

Dear Secretary Rokita:

I am writing to ask you, as the chief election officer of the State of Indiana, to immediately investigate “Taxpayers 4 Truth,” an organization that was formed to oppose Indianapolis Works, a plan to cut the size and the cost of government in Indianapolis-Marion County and save its taxpayers $35 million a year.

Yesterday, on March 30, 2005, State Rep. Michael Murphy of Indianapolis led a press conference at which he acknowledged that he was leading this “Taxpayers 4 Truth” organization and raising money to run radio and newspaper advertisements and participate in other opposition efforts. He also expressly stated
that his involvement in this organization was not a part of his responsibility as party Chairman, but as a state representative from the southside of Indianapolis.

There are four issues your office must investigate immediately:

1. Rep. Murphy is raising money during the legislative session, which is a violation of Indiana campaign law. Indiana Code 3-9-2-12 states that: “An individual who holds a legislative office” may not conduct fundraising activities during the legislative session. The only exception in the law is if the legislator is raising money for a “regular party committee” or if he or she is running for another office.

Rep. Murphy clearly is not raising money for general party functions, since his organization is not in the purview of his role as a party chairman. He also is not a candidate for another office. Therefore, Rep. Murphy, by raising money for “Taxpayers 4 Truth,” is in clear violation of state law.

2. Taxpayers 4 Truth is raising money and operating as a “political action committee” (PAC) without having filed requisite paperwork with the State of Indiana. There is no record that this organization has filed with your office as a PAC. Likewise, there is no record that this organization has filed with your office as an “issue advocacy organization” such as a 501(c)(4).

3. There is no political disclaimer in a March 31, 2005 paid advertisement for this organization in the Indianapolis Star. Without a disclaimer on a paid advertisement, secrecy trumps public access to public information. The public has no possible way to determine the members of the organization, where it
raised its funds and whether the organization is following state law.

4. There is no political disclaimer on the organization’s website. Without a disclaimer on the website, the public has no possible way to determine the members of the organization, where it raised its funds and whether the organizations is following state law.

These are serious potential violations of Indiana campaign laws by a sitting state representative, during a legislative session, and we believe they require immediate attention from your office.

The outspoken role you have taken this year with respect to ensuring the integrity of the election process leads us to believe that you will take these matters very seriously. We respectfully request that you, as the chief election officer of the State of Indiana, take action on these issues and immediately investigate the aforementioned “Taxpayers 4 Truth.”
Daniel J. Parker
Chairman, Indiana Democratic Party

cc: Indiana Election Commission
Speaker Brian Bosma
Indianapolis Star
WXNT radio

Always nice to see an occurence of SPINE in the Indiana Democratic Party. After all the posturing of the state GOP on "etics" to continue to allow this to happen is unacceptable.
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izzybeans Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-02-05 03:56 PM
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1. Trent Van Haaften is one couragous dem in my opinion
Edited on Sat Apr-02-05 03:57 PM by izzybeans
Amongst other things, he organized some high school students to demonstrate the budget hearings. His hometown (and mine) is facing ridiculously dangerous education cut backs. Some of the students sat on the statehouse steps with black tape over their mouths.

Plus my mother has a politico-crush on him.

There are some Dems in Indiana fighting and/or worth fighting for. I hope Trent is someone that continues to rise through the ranks.

I'm glad to hear a story about someone other than him for a change.
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Ouabache Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-04-05 01:06 AM
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2. I wonder why WTHR tv wasn't cc'ed on this
Just noticed that. It will be intereting to see if WISH-tv does any investigative on it, they have been looking into a number of things, and this is blatant and rather obvious. Rokita ought to be on all the stations here, being pressed by reporters for answers to these questions. This will be a test to see if the media here is truly unbiased and willing to follow a trail and ask some tough questions. let's watch and see who does.
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descolada99 Donating Member (147 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Apr-04-05 09:53 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. I'm not getting my hopes up
Seems pretty blatant wrongdoing on Murphy's part, but I'm not holding out hope that the local media will do much of anything. I've thought about forwarding this to Nuvo here in Indy to see if maybe they'll cover it since they are the closes thing to an independant liberalish media we have here in town.

I was also curious why WTHR wasn't listed. Maybe they're so hacktackular it's a given they won't do anything.
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