Since I don't want to fill the board with DL announcements I'll just add to this one.
It's that time kids! Time for Drinking Liberally: Indianapolis
Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow night, Thursday 4/14, is DL. Same drinking time, same drinking place: Union Jack Pub (Broadripple) Union Jack Pub, 924 Broad Ripple Ave (between Guilford and Winthrop) 7pm-whenever
Just ask a friendly waiter, waitress or bartender where we are and they'll point you in the right direction. We had a great turnout last week and I think we all had a good time (at least I hope you all did). I'm looking forward to seeing you all again this week.
And in honor of tax day on Friday, Drinking Liberally is sponsoring a drive at the national level that I think will be worth your time (and a few dollars):
"Next Friday, April 15, is our National Day to Celebrate and Invest in America. Doesn't sound familiar? That's because we call it "Tax Day" most of the time, and the GOP has us convinced that taxes are a bad thing.
Good liberals, however, know that investing in schools, roads, healthcare, a well-trained military, police and firefighters, environmental protection, drug rehabilitation, afterschool programs and infrastructure for our country is the most patriotic we can be.
And while corporations flee offshore, and the wealthy hide beneath their tax shelters, we stand up proudly and loudly for America by investing in it and making it work for all Americans.
Therefore, we are calling upon Liberal Drinkers across America to re-invest a portion of their refund in our country, by making a donation to a group that's promoting a more just society and demanding that citizens come before corporations: Citizens for Tax Justice, the leading organization lobbying for a more equitable tax system. And we mean truly fair, not the fake "flat tax" or other tricks Republicans have proposed to swindle regular Americans and give kick-backs to the top 1%."
There is a link at the Drinking Liberally website, www.drinkingliberally.org, that will take you to the donation page for CTJ. It's a good cause and I plan of tossing a few ducats their way once my refund comes back.
Also, I made a mistake in last week's email. It's I got the date and day mixed up of the day that is (tentatively) scheduled to be the stop in Indianapolis of the Drinking Liberally National Tour. That would be Sunday, August 7th. I'll make sure to let everyone know as the details become clear.
Hope everyone is surviving their 1040 and I look forward to seeing you at Drinking Liberally: Indianapolis!
Jason DL:Indy host