PM me if you need the actual phone numbers, but it may be a couple of days before I get to read your PMs.
1) The free film "Outfoxed" about Fox News on Tuesday, July 27, 6 pm at the Irvington Branch, Indianapolis Public Library, 5625 E. Washington St. sponsored by Public Access of Indianapolis and Common Cause Indiana. Details below. For more info visit indyaccess.org (or outfoxed.org instead of seeing the film) or email festival@indyaccess.org or phone 335-5272. To donate to Common Cause go to commoncause.org/support/state.html
2) Faith and Labor Prayer Breakfast on Wednesday, July 28th at 9 am at Caldwell Chapel AMEZ Church, 2215 W. 11th Street, sponsored by Community, Faith & Labor Coalition. Keynote speaker is Rev. Darren Cushman Wood, Speedway United Methodist Church plus local issue speakers from Service Employees International Union Local 3 promoting the Justice for Janitors Campaign seeking justice for a workforce that is largely Latino, African American and female. There will be musical entertainment. Get a great home-cooked breakfast for a suggested donation of $5.15 (minimum wage). For more info or to RSVP, contact Nancy Holle at 247-**** or nancyholle*********
3) weekly meetings of Rock the Vote on Wednesdays at 1 pm at the University College Lower Level at IUPUI and Wednesdays at 7 pm at the Abbey, Massachusetts at College; however, this Wed. July 28 at 7 pm at the Murat Theatre, Massachusetts at Michigan, Hanson will perform a Rock the Vote concert (and voter registration will occur). Details below. For more info, contact Dallas Stoner at 809-**** or indiana@rockthevote.com.