did a news.google search - to try to read more about this.
For newcomers to the issue: Indiana has not been on DST for years. For half the year we are on Central Time and the other half we are on Eastern time. To my knowledge Arizona does the same thing.
For as many years as we have not observed dst - there has been a debate in the statehouse to put us on dst. But never the courage to do it - as most folks didn't want to change - and part of the state is aligned with cities on one time zone or the other - and in a few areas (ala northeast by chicago) the dst is observed in tandem with the neighboring metro area.
So Not My Man Mitch - pushes DST through the statehouse (with a new house of reps republican majority). But apparently doing so without declaring which time zone the state would observe.
In the past week counties have been petitioning the feds to let them observe one or the other timezone - creating what looks to be a checkerboard of time zones across the state.
So read this item from last week with a local news station. Mitch PLANNED it this way (that localities could choose). At the same time the reason for observing dst in the first place? To cut down on confusion when doing business outside of the state. Talk about new confusion.
No wonder folks in this redstate are not gaga over Mitch.
http://www.wthitv.com/newsdet.asp?id=9670Time Zone Debate
- Leanne Markins
9/18/2005 8:09:47 PM
When it comes to daylight saving time Indiana seems to be split on the issue. At least 19 counties in the state have asked the federal government for hearings to decide if they should follow central or eastern time. Friday was the deadline to turn in applications to the Department of Transportation.
Right now the Wabash Valley is playing tug of war between the two time zones. The main reason it became an issue the last legislative year is because Governor Mitch Daniels wants to see it change.
" I thought that the issue hurting us economically in the state, was the confusion around daylight savings time. I thought the choice of the time zone is a definitively local issue," Daniels said.
(salin's comment - this is for Thinking woman - pass this Mitch quote along if you dare):
"It's a matter of where people work, where they shop, where their recreation is and it should be determined locally. So, i'm going to support the
expression of those few counties who do want to switch to central time."