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On the Occasion of the 2000th US Casualty in Iraq

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-05 02:43 PM
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On the Occasion of the 2000th US Casualty in Iraq
Statement of the Communist Party of Indiana on the Occasion of the 2000th US Casualty in Iraq

No More Dead or Wounded - Bring the Troops Home Today!

The members of the Communist Party of Indiana, on the tragic occasion of the
2000th unnecessary US death in Iraq, condemn the US aggression against the
Iraqi people, the many thousands of Iraqi dead by US hands, and the horribly
sad reality of so many of our young women and men sacrificed to the lies and
greed of the oil-hungry and the powerful here at home. The reality of the
loss to the mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, and communities of our
working class youth who have died sear the hearts and minds of this Party's
membership and so many others. We stood opposed to this war before it
happened, when the country was lied to and pushed to support an attack on a
country that supposedly threatened the world with weapons of mass
destruction. The irony of the largest stockpiler and developer of weapons
that can wreak mass destruction, the United States, leveling such charges
against Iraq is astounding. Today, as most of our country questions the war's
premises and costs, we remain firm in our commitment to peace between the
people of Iraq and those of the United States, to the immediate withdrawal of
all US troops, and the rebuilding of Iraq for the Iraqi's. We said before the
war, and we continue to say today: This war has nothing to do with terrorism
or democracy; it has everything to do with oil. We say: not one more death
for oil, not one more death so that the rich and powerful can play their
heartless games with nations and with young lives, leaving carnage and
sadness as the heritage of their rapacious hunger for profits and their
savage greed.

On this deeply saddening occasion, a moment the Iraqi's marked a long time
ago, we embrace our brothers and sisters in the peace movement here and in
Iraq, and join with United for Peace and Justice and many others in demanding
the immediate end to this insanity: Bring the troops home today! Rebuild Iraq
for the Iraqi's. Not one more death, not one more grieving father, not one
more motherless baby. The United States can no longer afford to support the
greed of the 1% of the nation that controls the vast majority of the wealth.
We can no longer afford wars, environmental destruction, the rejection of
modern rational thinking in favor of distortions like 'intelligent design'.
Together we have to claim the socialist future that beckons us, a democratic
future of people before profits, the worker before the wealthy.

Not One More Death! Bring the Troops Home Today! Rebuild Iraq for the Iraqi's!
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Why Syzygy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-05 02:46 PM
Response to Original message
1. Come Home.
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kliljedahl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-05 07:14 PM
Response to Original message
2. Damn Commies
How dare they get it right when our "mainstream" politicians get it so wrong, & that includes 99% of the Dems.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-05 09:43 PM
Response to Original message
3. Protest at Monument Circle, Indy, NOON, Wednesday
The memorial at Butler University this coming Monday is still on, and will be well attended. The following are plans for a protest at Monument Circle, downtown Indianapolis, at NOON, Wednesday, from an e-mail:

The tragic moment of the 2,000th US troop death in Iraq has now been
reached. Ironically, one of the five US soldiers killed today was a Hoosier
from Elkhart, IN. United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ), along with Code
Pink, the National Pledge of Resistance, Vets for Peace, and a host of other
UFPJ member-organizations have called for emergency actions TOMORROW --
Wednesday, October 26 -- to protest this sad milestone.

I would encourage each of us who is morally outraged to the point where
action is not even a question to join forces tomorrow to protest these
deaths, as well as Iraqi deaths, the continuing casualties and maimings of
innocent civilians, and the continued destruction that are the result of
this unconscionable, illegal war,

I think NOON is a good time to begin gathering on and around Monument Circle
and we should make our presence and our outrage visible, lack of city permit
be damned. If we obey city laws no one should be cited for doing anything
illegal. If anyone is charged for whatever a cop might come up with -- i.e,
trespassing or defiant trespassing -- that is something that I, for one, am
willing to deal with. I will be there and I hope others come to join me.
We also could make a couple of afternoon visits to local offices where the
office-holder should be held accountable for his/her vote for this war.
Dress warm (in layers), bring "glow sticks" not candles, and signs that say
what you intend passersby and motorists to see.

For those who don't want to even risk arrest for such a petty infraction
(that we don't know will occur), then my suggestion would be to leave the
Monument for the sidewalks across the street if the IPD gives a dispersal
notice. As long as you're on public sidewalk, are not soliciting, not
impeding foot traffic, blockading auto traffic, or violating the city's
noise ordinace, you are doing nothing illegal.

We've all been chatting and emailing about this 2000th death ... well, it's
been reached. If we are indeed serious about our commitment to end the war
and show our abhorence with the Bush/Cheney Administration, let us gather
tomorrow and stay the course into the dark as many people will not be able
to take part during the daytime.

I realize that a candlelight vigil at Butler has been in the works at Butler
for October 31, but this is a heinous number of dead young Americans -- and
countless others! -- that should not in good conscience be allowed to
slide. The October 31 vigil at Butler can still be held and will be more
urgent than ever.

Comments and suggestions appreciated. In Peaceful Solidarity & Struggle,

Cate Woods Russo
Iraq Pledge of Resistance, IN Director
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SpeedwayDemocrat Donating Member (339 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Oct-26-05 08:42 AM
Response to Reply #3
6. I'll be there...
it's the least I can do to help. Wish there was more we could do locally, as I wonder if our word is truly getting out. It's obvious that the local MSM doesn't care - I doubt if they will show up.
But I'll be there anyway, and if they arrest us, then so be it. Cindy S. has called for C.D. (civil disobedience), and the Gandhi quote on her post is so eloquent "Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the State becomes lawless and corrupt." - Mahatma Gandhi
Well, Indiana's leadership is WAY past "lawless and corrupt" -- so who's with me???
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FtWayneBlue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-05 10:33 PM
Response to Original message
4. Candle light vigil, 7 pm Wednesday,
on the courthouse green, Clinton & Main, Ft. Wayne, IN.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-25-05 11:15 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Thank you very much for the info, FtWayneBlue
I hope the vigil is picked up by the Fort Wayne media. If you go, please let us know how it turned out.
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FtWayneBlue Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-27-05 10:47 PM
Response to Reply #5
7. Ft. Wayne 2kY? vigil
There were about 60 that showed up. We lit our candles and sang some songs, including "I've come to bring my boy home," and "Where have all the flowers gone?" We read the names, ranks, ages, and home towns of the (61 or 62?) Hoosiers that have been killed in this rotten war. Frey-Miller rang a gong 2000 times while we just milled around looking into each other's faces, seeing the determination being shown to try to stop the slaughter. Check out
for more info and pix.
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