And the war goes on...
November 9, 2005
Ind. Guard members activated
By Diana PennerAbout 130 members of an Indiana National Guard unit based at Camp Atterbury in Edinburgh have been activated for duty beginning early next year in the “war on terror,’’ but the soldiers’ destination isn’t being announced.
Members of the 219th Area Support Group were on a regular training deployment last weekend when they were told of their mission, Guard spokeswoman Capt. Lisa Kopczynski said today.
For security reasons, their destination is not being released, which is standard for Guard deployments, she said.
The unit is to report for duty to Camp Atterbury in mid-January. They can expect to be on active duty for as much as 18 months, including initial training, a 12-month tour in a combat zone and a post-deployment period.
The unit will be an upper-echelon supervisory unit, overseeing other support units that provide basic operating supplies, such as food and water, to combat units.
Afghanistan and Iraq are among the locations where Guard troops are being deployed in the war on terror. Some Indiana Guard units currently are posted in Iraq and a large group returned from Afghanistan this summer.