E-mail from one of the organizing groups:
Ann Wright, Cindy Sheehan's "right hand" person, is going to be the keynote
speaker for the Midwest Peace Summit April 7-9, 2006 in Indianapolis. She
indicates she'd like to speak at some other places when she's out here.
Please let me know if your groups would be interested in having her to speak
in your areas.
As I'm sure you know, Colonel Ann Wright resigned on March 19, 2003 from the
US foreign service in protest of the war against Iraq. Her resignation letter
can be found at
http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0303/032103wright.htm and
more biographical information at
http://www.swingthevote.us/wright.html. You
can find some more on her at
http://miami.indymedia.org/news/2005/06/1729.php.Per swingthevote above, she "resigned due to her disagreement with the Bush
administration's decision to go to war in Iraq without the authorization of
the UN Security Council, the lack of effort in resolving the
Israel-Palestinian situation, the lack of policy on North Korea and
unnecessary curtailment of civil liberties in the United States."
People see her as a potential draw because of her military background (26
years), her foreign service background (15 years), her timely resignation,
her current community activism, and her connection to Cindy Sheehan.
There is some time pressure on getting her schedule together so please respond
as quickly as possible.