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The Marion County Judges need your support

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SpeedwayDemocrat Donating Member (339 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-17-06 12:34 PM
Original message
The Marion County Judges need your support
Two months ago (before the Indiana Democrat slating convention), all the candidates for Marion County Court Judges appeared at our Democrat club meeting on the West side. When asked pointedly "if not slated, will you promise NOT to run against the slate?", every single one of them in attendance promised they would follow the slate and not run against it.
Well, one of those folks has now decided to break her word and run against the slated candidates. And a second unslated candidate chose to go around the process and jump into the fray anyway, ignoring the rules! Do we really want a judge in office who breaks their word to the people? I don't, and I feel very angry that I've been lied to, and directly to my face.
Because of this, I would ask that you all support the SLATED JUDGE CANDIDATES for Marion County; those slated judges are: Linda E. Brown, Tom Carroll, Barbara Collins, John F. Hanley, Grant W. Hawkins, Becky Pierson-Treacy, Jose Salinas, Mark D. Stoner and Heather Welch.
All these candidates are incumbents, with the exception of Jose Salinas and Heather Welch. Both Jose and Heather have the credentials and the background to do a great job for us; they deserved to be slated and I'm glad they were. However, I am concerned that if voters look down the ballot list (which will be in alphabetical order) and vote just the first candidates alphabetically shown on the list, that they will miss voting for Jose and Heather, which would be a real tragedy for Marion County and the Party.
I have personally met and spoken with all these candidates multiple times, and they are GOOD, HONEST PEOPLE who want to make Marion County a safer place. Please help me in getting the word out on these slated candidates and support them in the upcoming elections. Thanks!
--Speedway Democrat
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torporindy Donating Member (6 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Mar-19-06 05:53 PM
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1. slate
Who were the two who are running against the slate?

I will support those on the slate for judge for this race because I know the candidates, but I don't always agree with the slate selections.
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