Tribune-StarThe second letter down:
Illinois folks take up all our good jobs
Just watching the news made me so mad. I just heard Vigo County has a very high poverty level. And a lot of hungry people. Yes, this is true. But how can the people in Vigo County find a job when we have all these Illinois people coming into Vigo County taking the jobs such as construction on the Wal-Mart being out-of-state workers?
This makes me so mad and I’m sure it does a lot of people. Yes, we people in Vigo County live in poverty because these people that live in those small Illinois towns just minutes away come over here to Terre Haute and grab up the jobs so here in Terre Haute we have no jobs, homeless people and robberies.
But yet these people who live in these small Illinois towns with no jobs wouldn’t go live in Terre Haute or Vigo County if you gave them a house, yet they run across the state line and grab the jobs.
If you live in a state, it should be made a law that you work in that state. Just drive around Terre Haute factories and look at cars from Illinois parked, working here in Terre Haute. According to any one of them you talk to about this “worst town to live in,” my question is this: How can they go on our economy when all the Illinois people are over here working?
If Illinois is so great to live in, work there! And I bet half of Vigo County, if not more, agree with me. Let the Indiana people who live in Indiana have the jobs. Illinois, don’t you have a Salvation Army you can eat at? Let’s all contact Gov. Mitch Daniels and let this be heard. Terre Haute needs their jobs for their residents. This is our hometown.
— Ray R. Fields
Terre Haute
I don't know if this is real or ironic, but it's funny as hell.