Ran across this news article in small town southern Indiana and thought it would amuse Du'ers. It's about the sheriff's race in Lawrence County Indiana which is overwhelmingly Republican and the home county of Lt. Governor Becky Skillman!
Good old fashioned door-to-door campaigning is the way races are won down there and I think it's just hilarious that sheriff candidates are hearing complaints about DST and the toll road proposals.
Daylight-saving time has little to do with the office of sheriff, but that hasn't stopped local folks from lamenting its effects to those candidates who come knocking on their doors.
“I've been out door to door, and it's been going good so far,” said Phil Wigley, who is one of the nine individuals seeking the Republican nod. “It's been keeping me busy, ... but most of what I've been hearing is people complaining about time and the toll road. None of which I can do anything about.”
(bolding emphasis mine)
Here's the link if you want to read further: