Barbara Pitcher of Cambridge City was so honked off over gas prices and the war several days ago that she created a sandwich board and went down to Richmond's government plaza. "It's time for Americans to stand up," she said.
The prior week, State Rep. Woody Burton did some polling in his Republican primary race against Johnson County Council President Ron West. This past week, Burton unleashed attack TV ads against West, accusing him of tax increases. The ads had the hallmark of a hasty effort. The images were still photographs, not well-planned video. The inescapable conclusion: Woody Burton was seeing his race tighten up.
A few miles to the south, Senate President Robert D. Garton was feeling the heat as well. Garton was running Indianapolis TV ads. There was a hurried endorsement by Lt. Gov. Becky Skillman.
His opponent, Columbus accountant Greg Walker, is going door-to-door in a 1970 Plymouth Valient. "It was brand new the year my opponent first took office. Thirty-six years in office is long enough," Walker said. "I think it is time to trade it in."
Could this really be the year that Hoosiers take elections seriously?