I'm not sure what I think of this, yet. Anyone ?http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060613/NEWS02/606130417Speedway OKs rental ordinanceOfficials say fees, fines needed to maintain order; landlords are planning to challenge the action
By Josh Duke
Speedway town leaders passed an ordinance Monday that requires landlords to buy permits for each of their rental units. It also allows officials to inspect rental properties, charges apartment owners annual fees and fines those who let their tenants become a community nuisance.
Billed as a tool to force landlords to better police their rentals, the ordinance was approved by the Town Council. It goes into effect in 90 days. Money collected from landlords will go toward hiring a person to oversee code enforcement in Speedway. While no money goes directly toward police expenses, town officials believe the ordinance will reduce crime by forcing out those who break the law.
Emotions ran high as hundreds of residents packed the Speedway High School cafeteria to hear more about the proposal. Renters complained about the ordinance raising their cost of living and allowing town leaders to invade their privacy through inspections. "I feel safe in my home," said Leslie Tyler, a Coppertree Apartment resident. "Just because I don't own a lawn doesn't make me any less of a resident."
Homeowners in support of the ordinance say the law targets the bad seeds and would reduce crime by getting rid of the habitual lawbreakers who live in apartments.
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