VERY BAD NEWS: 1 in 4 Indiana Voter Records may be Inaccurate More bad news, and while I visited the Indiana SOS website,
could not find anywhere for voters to verify their registration status.
In NC, we have been able to look up our registration for a year or two.

August 1, 2006
GOP purging voter rolls
Election Board approves the action despite objections from Democrats
Republicans may continue purging names from the Marion County voter rolls despite Democrats' concerns that some voters could be disenfranchised.
In an emergency meeting Monday, the Marion County Election Board sided with Republicans, who were concerned about potential voter fraud due to people registered in more than one location and deceased voters who were never taken off the books.
The Election Board voted 2-1 in favor of allowing Republicans to continue purging names.
The controversy began Friday when Republicans started removing the names of voters they thought were ineligible. The names came from a list supplied by a vendor contracted by the secretary of state's office that indicated about 36,000 Marion County voter registrations were questionable. Republicans were certain that about 4,500 of those names should be purged immediately. Purging of additional names also is being considered. The Indiana Democratic Party needs to re-register those wrongly removed, and quickly!
For Immediate Release: Contact: AJ Feeney-Ruiz
August 1, 2006 317.233.8655
Statewide Mailer Identifies 1 in 4 Indiana Voter Records may be Inaccurate
Indianapolis, IN - Today, Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita announced that the state's mailer designed to identify and remove inaccurate voter records has identified
more than one million records that may be inaccurate,affirming that the state's voter rolls are seriously inflated. The state has sent a follow-up mailer to the addresses on those records requesting confirmation that the voter no longer lives at that location, in accordance with federal law.
In an effort to clean up the inaccuracies on the state's voter list, Indiana's Election Division sent more than 4.3 million postcards to the addresses listed on every Indiana voter record. The mailing was designed to automatically return-to-sender all registrations that are no longer accurate. While initial estimates were that 675,000 postcards would be returned to the state, the final number posted by the July 21 deadline coming to 1,018,008. Undeliverable postcards continue to roll in after the deadline, with more than 70,000 additional cards collected to-date. Unfortunately, due to delays in getting one of the state's two major political parties to sign off on the cleanup plan, the additional postcard records cannot be removed until 2010. *** IF you have been purged, the deadline to register to vote in the General Election is October 10, 2006***290,522
Potential duplicates identified by SVRS*
* This number is the result of preliminary tests checking voter files against the following criteria:
First Name, Last Name, DOB; Drivers License Number; Social Security Number (SSN); and DOB and last four digits of SSN.
Based on this data, a percentage probability of being a duplicate is applied to the registration, and all records with a probability of greater than 50% are flagged for review as a "potential duplicate."
Potential matches of deceased voters identified by SVRS*
* Based on a review of a 10 year backlog of 656,512 deceased Hoosiers is currently being reviewed and readied to match voter records on SVRS to identify records for deceased voters. Since February 9, 2006, 7,435 potential deceased voters have been identified with 55% of reviewed records cancelled thus far.
Current Indiana voters on SVRS*
* 3,907,824 of these records are for active voters while 451,713 have been flagged as inactive (voters failing to vote in at least the last two general elections).
Incarcerated voters identified by SVRS*
* Since February 9, 2006, 6,929 potential incarcerated voters have been identified with 94% of reviewed records cancelled thus far.
268,141 voters have been added to Indiana's Statewide Voter Registration System since coming online.
90,938 Voter Registrations have been received electronically from the Bureau of Motor Vehicles since the agency linked to SVRS on 1/23/2006