Edited on Sat Aug-12-06 03:43 PM by IndyOp
I have questions for y'all and am hoping to make use of DU connections to move us closer to secure elections here in Indiana.
Common Cause listed Indiana as being among 17 states at HIGH risk for compromised elections because 58 out of 92 counties use direct-recording electronic voting machines with no voter-verified paper ballots (mostly Microvote, a handful of counties use Diebold, ES&S, or Voting Technologies International).
The remaining counties in Indiana use optical scan systems (ES&S and Fidlar/Diebold) which do provide a voter-verified paper ballot.
NOW: The two key steps to securing elections are (1.) voter-verified paper ballots (VVPBs) and (2.) automatic random audits (ARA's). Using paper ballots doesn't ensure that the votes on the ballots were counted correctly by the computerized voting machines - so randomly selecting precincts and conducting handcounts to make sure the machines are counting accurately is the next necessary step.
BIG GOALS for fall:
In the 58 counties that use DRE's - 40 of those counties actually use optical scan paper ballots during early voting. ALL registered Indiana voters can vote in person at their County Clerk's office Mon-Fri Oct 10 thru Nov 3 OR in person at their County Clerk's office on Saturday, Oct 28 or Sat, Nov 4. There is no longer any such thing as "election day" --> we have "election month".
IF, in the 40 counties that use paper ballots during early voting, we PUSH voters to use that option, then their vote will be on paper - not vapor.
IF, in the 58 counties that use DRE's we can get Boards of Election to agree to additional testing of DREs - adequate logic & accuracy tests and parallel testing on election day, that could go a long way toward catching errors in vote counting on the DRE's.
IF, in the 80-something counties that use opscan systems (either on election day or in early voting or both) we can conduct automatic random audits then we can catch errors in vote counting on the optical scan systems. (We should also ask for thorough logic & accuracy tests in advance of the elections, too).
Our long-term goal should be passing legislation in the Indiana House & Senate requiring VVPBs and ARAs (and more...) but, in preparation for the October/November elections - how much do you think we could accomplish by asking Boards of Election to voluntarily go along with additional testing of DREs and ARAs.
In what county do you live? What do you know about your local elections and what are you concerned about? What are you willing to do to work to secure our elections?
We have some hot races on hand - I will be disgusted beyond belief if winning candidates have votes miscounted or stolen.