What's everyone think? Has this BMV disaster gone far enough 'round the bend that the public will go for it, or will the Mitch-Brigade ramp up their Swiftboating of the Dems in order to save Mitch's Man Joel ?
I'd prefer if there was an outside audit or accountability team that would go in and see WTF is really going on, make it public, and Mitch would find his little squirrel cojones and fire Silverman's arrogant ass.
But that's just me. :evilgrin: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060822/NEWS02/608220404Dem leader wants to switch control of BMVBy Theodore Kim
House Democratic leader B. Patrick Bauer on Monday proposed wrenching control of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles from the governor in a move, he said, that would set right the troubled agency. The South Bend Democrat suggested the agency be directed by the secretary of state -- an elected office whose main functions are to oversee elections and voter identification efforts.
Consolidating driver and voter identification duties under one chief, Bauer said, would streamline government bureaucracy and give voters a clear sense of who's in charge. "This (would make) the secretary of state's office more important to the voters," he said at a hastily arranged news conference outside a BMV license branch on Virginia Avenue in Indianapolis.
Secretaries of state in several neighboring states, including Michigan, have overseen motor vehicle services with success, Bauer said. His proposal focuses attention on continuing problems at the BMV, which has struggled with normal operations in the wake of a botched computer upgrade in early July.
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