"Anger Card" WTF? It's not like Dems are all atwitter about some invented bullshit ... the MitchAdmin truly and completely has
fucked up. :eyes:
Indiana Dems play the anger cardParty hopes lingering frustration about DST, Toll Road can help it retake the state House
http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061002/LOCAL19/610020417/0/LOCALBy Mary Beth Schneider
VINCENNES, Ind. -- Republicans are teetering on the edge of losing control of the Indiana House, and voters like Carolyn Barnes are one reason why. Two years ago, the Vincennes resident's vote for Republican Troy A. Woodruff helped him eke out a victory over the Democratic incumbent state representative by fewer than 200 votes.
But the 70-year-old Barnes said she won't do that again. Woodruff switched his vote in 2005 to put Indiana on daylight-saving time. She said that's all she needs to know. When Woodruff's Democratic challenger, Kreg Battles, showed up at her doorstep last week asking if she had any questions about his candidacy, she said:
"No, because I'm going to vote for you. You'd do as well or better as the one we have now."
Indiana Democrats say voters' enduring anger over the time change, as well as the leasing of the Indiana Toll Road to foreign investors, can help them end the Republicans' slim 52-48 majority in the Indiana House.
... more at link ...