I thought this might be a good post to put in the Indiana forum.
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=364x2448586How's everybody doing? I'm from Donnelly's 2nd district. I'm getting ready to leave to phonebank in about 20 minutes. The responses in my precinct have been mostly + Donnelly! More signs up for him than last election. All of the Dem signs are pretty evenly matched with the Rethugs for the 1st time that I can remember. This is a Republican stronghold compared to the northern part of the state. There are more volunteers this year than in '04 when I first became involved. We never phonebanked as much as we are doing now either.
I think Chris Chocola and his campaigning committee must be the most evil, mean people. His TV ads have been saying lies that make Donnelly sound like a madman!! I've met him on several occasions and he is not the person they're making him out to be. They have him portrayed as some extreme liberal who supports abortion because he accepted some PAC money from a group that is pro-choice. Actually, Donnelly is a pro-life advocate who has been endorsed by the area pro-life Democrats!!! He is also pro-gun and the mail flyers make him sound like he is anti-gun!! lol I never realized how deceiving political ads are. They also say he supports amnesty and this is an area where the immigrant population is high and many natives are restless about it!! Chocola even has one commercial with some old fart local Republicans speaking about how "liberal" Joe Donnelly is and how they won't be voting for him. They are depicted sitting on the front porch of their house in rocking chairs among the cornfields. It's really corny..... anyway, from knowing Donnelly and his campaign staff, I think the whole Chocola team is just cruel....Donnelly has not stepped as low as that....what Donnelly has said in his ads are actually facts!
I don't get where I've heard the Republican Party has pulled monetary support from Chocola because these viscious ads have been playing constantly. The money is coming from somewhere. Must be a PAC. I really didn't pay attention to who sponsored the ads.
Anyway.....how are the rest of you in Indiana doing? See ya later! Be back after I finish phonebanking at 4pm. Gotta go! Keep your nose to the grindstone! :)