Traditionally, clocks are a gift for the first year wedding anniversary. This weekend, it will be exactly a year since the last autumn when Indiana residents did not have to change their clocks. And the voters' gift to Troy Woodruff should be the "cleaning of his clock".
Troy Woodruff, you know him. The one who won his seat by only 188 votes, and only because he promised his constituents not to vote for DST. When it came time for the state house to vote on DST, Mr. Woodruff cast the ONE VOTE that pushed it into the majority, and sent it to the governor's desk. In addition, he voted in more toll paying points on Indiana's roads. Those who voted for him in 2004 are paying for it every day.
Now he's running again for the same office. Since he is on so slim a margin, there is a very good chance of replacing him. If you live in Indiana, please do me a favor on Election Day: vote the living DAYLIGHTS out of him!