Each week, the Marion County Democratic Party releases a list of the upcoming Democratic events in Central Indiana. As a service to our local DUers, I am posting that list here and will try to keep you all updated on future happenings. As I am a key organizer of the Wayne Township Club's events, I will be at the 4/11 and 4/24 events, and would welcome the opportunity to meet other Indiana DU members.
Hope you will all chose to get involved where you can!
Monday, March 19, 2007 at 12 noon. Join a number of Democrats for lunch and conversation. Barringer’s, 2535 S. Meridian Street.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 - Third Tuesday Luncheon. Sponsors: Aunt Bertha Binford, Hon. Mike Rodman, James McConkey. The Southside Democrat Club will serve lunch to some good Irish Democrats on March 20, 2007 From 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM at our club house 1135 Shelby St.
The menu will be Corned Beef, Cabbage, Boiled Potatoes, Dessert, and Beverage. All you can eat for a suggested $5.00 donation.. Please support your club, and break bread with some good
Irish Democrats. Thanks, Larry Ryan, President
Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 7:00 pm. - Franklin Township Democratic Club meets at the Franklin Township Informer, 8822 Southeaster Avenue (2 buildings west of the Ordinary in Wanamaker. Speaker: Steve Bonney, Activist and Farmer, “The Impact of the I.C.C. Toll Road on Community Values” Bring dues or mail dues to Franklin Township Democratic Club, c/o Barbara Ford, Treasurer, 4134 Five Points, Indianapolis, IN 46239.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007 - The Washington Township Democratic Club will meet at 7 P.M. on Wednesday, March 21, at the North Side Knights of Columbus, 2100 East 71st Street (food service available until 9 o'clock). Our meetings are open to all registered, voting Democrats. We encourage your participation. If you have not yet paid dues for the 2007 calendar year, please forward $10 (payble to WTDC) to P. O. Box 80212, 46240. Our featured speaker this month: Mr. Robin Winston, President of Winston-Terrell Group, and former Chair of the Indiana Democratic Party. Robin Winston presently serves on the Indiana coordinating team for "Edwards for President." Rosie Houff, President
Saturday, March 24, 2007 at 8:30 am. - Concerned Clergy, Carson Government Center, 300 East Fall Creek Parkway.
Thursday, March 29, 2007 – Chairman’s Club Breakfast, sponsored by the Marion County Democratic Party at the Rathskeller, 401 E. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN. Please join the Marion County Democratic Party and Chairman Michael O'Connor for the Chairman's Club breakfast from 8-9am at the Rathskeller. The guest speaker will be Representative William Crawford, Chairman, House Way and Means Committee. Remember to bring $10 dollars for breakfast and RSVP by March 26th. If you have any questions please contact Leslie Barnes at 317-637-3366. Hope to see you there!
Tuesday, April 4, 2007, 3 pm – 6:30 pm - Third Annual, “Making the Dream a Reality: Our Commitment to Peace and Non-Violence” Kennedy/King Park at 17th & Broadway. Activities start at 3:00 pm, Main Program between 5:00 pm and 6:30 pm.
Tuesday, April 11 7:00 PM—8:30 PM - Accelerate I-465 - A Community Presentation & Discussion on Tuesday, April 11 7:00 PM—8:30 PM at the Speedway Public Library, 5633 W. 25th Street. Learn how major changes to I-465 on the west side will affect your life, starting this Spring. Tim Miller, a member of the Corridor Project Management Consultant (CPMC) Team, will be on-hand to update you on this 7-year, $518 million dollar project and answer your questions. For more information on the project, visit www.accelerate465.in.gov for more information. Refreshments Served. Free Admission. Sponsored by the United Wayne Township Democratic Club.
Friday, April 14, 2007 - Big old Truck Drivers Breakfast. Back by popular demand, the Southside Democrat Club's Committee of men will serve the ladies a Truck Drivers Breakfast at our club house, 1135 Shelby St. Saturday April 14, 2007 From 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM. Menu: Bacon, Sausage, Eggs, Biscuits and Sausage Gravy, Fresh Fruit, Orange Juice, and Coffee. Advance tickets can be purchased for $5.00 from the following members:
Hon. Frank Anderson, Van Barteau, Hon. Greg Bowes, Hon. Rozelle Boyd
Hon. Tom Carroll, Bill Clouse, Hon. Israel Nunez Cruz, Hon. Charles Deiter,
Hon. Carl Drummer, Hon.David Dreyer, Ken Duggins, Tony Duncan,
Hon. Steven Eichholts, Charles R Ellinger, George Farley, Richard Feldman MD,
Hon. Evan Goodman, Hon. Grant Hawkins, Tom Hipple, Hon. John Hanley,
Ken Kern, Hon. Ed Mahern, Gene McWilliams, Robert Myrick, Hon. David
Orentlicher, Michael Reiger, Hon. Mike Rodman, Hon. Lou Rosenberg Larry Ryan,
David Shaheed, Mike Sweeney, Hon. Mark Stoner, Robert Voorhies, Ken Zeller,
Hon. Gerald Zore. One lucky ticket holder will receive a $100.00 U S Government Bond. Tickets at the door will be $6.00>>>Thanks, Larry Ryan, President
Saturday, April 21 - To help you get to know the candidates, we are proud to sponsor the
2007 Community & Candidates Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 21 8 AM—11 AM at the United Steel Workers Local #1999 Hall, 218 S. Addison Ave. All-You-Can-Eat Pancakes with syrup, sausage, juice & coffee for only $5.00. Kids under 10 eat FREE!
An annual community event open to all. Come meet your neighbors, candidates for office and community leaders. We’ll be serving breakfast from 8 AM until 11 AM.
For pancake tickets, memberships or sponsorship information, contact Anna Peay, Treasurer (317-381-9182). Donations of door prizes are welcomed. To volunteer, call Ken & Ruth Kendrick at 317-293-8370. Sponsored by the United Wayne Township Democratic Club, P.O. Box 24202, Speedway, Indiana, 46224. E-mail to: waynetownshipdemocrats@comcast.net
Club President: Eric Essley, President (317-450-5817).
Tuesday, May 8, 2007 - The primary election is May 8, 2007 and Beth is working hard to to fill all 917 precincts with trained inspectors. Inspectors are head of the Election Board at each precinct location and guide all election day activities. Inspectors are paid $110.00 to work on election day and must attend training. If you want to be an inspector and have any questions email Myla Eldridge at meldridg@indygov.org
Saturday, May, 12, 2007 – Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner at the Marriott Hotel, Downtown Indianapolis. Sponsored by the Indiana Democratic Party. Visit their website for more information: www.indems.org.
Monday, May 15, 2007 - Franklin Township Democratic Club’s 1st Annual Jefferson Jackson Day Dinner will be held on May 15, 2007 at 6:00 pm at the Franklin Township Informer’s Office. The cost will $6.00 in advance.
Wednesday, August 23 – Saturday, August 26 – the IDEA CONVENTION at Belterra Resort & Casino. Sponsored by the Indiana Democratic Party. Visit their website for more information: www.indems.org
Friday, December 7, 2007 – the Indiana Democratic Party Holiday Ball, Location TBD. Sponsored by the Indiana Democratic Party. Visit their website for more information: www.indems.org
The Marion County Democratic Party Weekly List, MCDPweeklylist@comcast.net, is a product of the Marion County Democratic Headquarters. If you have any questions about the events, or wish to be added to this list, you may respond to this e-mail. To add an event t this list, reply to this e-mail with your information. All submissions are solely with the permission of owner of this list. The deadline for additions to the weekly list is Friday, for the next week.
For more information on the Indiana Democratic Party, visit their website for more information: www.indems.org. Their events are online at:
http://www.indems.org/calendar.aspEdit: corrected date on 4/11 event - SD