Title: DFA Training in Indiana
Event Type: Training
Date: May 12-13 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time: 9:00am-6:00pm
You made the phone calls, you knocked on the doors and this past November you began to take our country back from the right wing. While many people are thinking about taking a rest after our victories in 2006, we know that you are not. Neither are President Bush and his right wing allies. That is why we are proud to announce that the DFA Training Academy is coming to Bloomington, Indiana on May 12-13.
The 2008 Presidential race is already beginning to take shape. You and I both know that the grassroots are more than just a passive audience in this race. The DFA Training Academy will prepare you to become an asset to whichever candidate you end up supporting.
But this is more than just a presidential race. This past November Democrats across the country were successful in races from the U.S. Senate to local city councils. In addition to the standard campaign curriculum, we also will focus on strategies geared toward retaining the seats won last year and building Democratic majorities in 2008 and beyond.
At the DFA Training Academy, experienced campaign professionals will cover practical strategies and tactics including communications, fundraising, voter targeting, online organizing, and building a sustainable grassroots movement. We design the program so you can go out and use the skills you learn right away. Then, we follow up with you to make sure you have the support you need to organize your community. Click here to learn more about the Training Academy's curriculum.
Please check in with your local group or Chaim Julian for more information.
If you can't make the Bloomington training in May, check out some of the other training dates across the country: hope to see you in Bloomington!
Contribution: $70 the day of the training
$60 for general attendees who pay in advance
$30 for attendees with low income or students
Please RSVP first with the box above. If you have already RSVP'd and need to pay your tuition, please click the link below.
Click here to pay.
Event Date: Saturday, May 12, 2007
Event Time: 9:00 AM
Venue Name: Indiana University, Indiana Memorial Union, Frangipani Room
Address: 900 E. 7th St.
City: Bloomington
State: IN
Zip Code: 47405
Handicapped Accessible: Y
Phone Number: (812) 855-3606
Website: ALSO, DFA Night School is back for 2007!!
Materials are available for d/l!