I'll be standing in Foster Park, facing Washington St.(over by the tank). Starting this Sunday, July 15th from Noon to 1pm until things change. Come along & join me if you wish. For our future and our children, it's time we stand up
here's Wes Clark Jr's post, so you'll understand what this is about..hopefully you can join me.
Had Enough?
by WesClarkJr
Tue Jul 03, 2007 at 01:29:35 PM PDT
Enough of seeing the Constitution trashed? Enough of the corruption? Enough of the war? Enough of the gutless response of our elected Democratic representatives?
WesClarkJr's diary :: ::
I don't think our reps read our e-mail or listen to our phone calls. Hell, they didn't even listen to the 2006 election in which we told them to stop the war. Scooter Libby is the last straw and I'm not going to take it anymore. I've had enough.
Cenk Uygur and I were talking this morning about what to do. We've decided it's time to tell America we've had enough. We'll be standing outside the Federal Building in West L.A. at the corner of Veteran and Wilshire for one hour this Sunday. If you'd like to join us, just wear a t-shirt or bring a sign that says you've had enough.
If you're not in L.A., just go to whatever the most common protest site is in your home city with a shirt or sign that says you've had enough from noon to one p.m. this Sunday. You don't have to march, chant, play drums, pass out pamphlets or build puppets (not that we're against those things). All you have to do is stand there with one word: enough.
Cenk and I don't care if we're the only two people there. We don't care because the next Sunday, each of us has pledged to bring two more people with us, and we'll ask them to make the same pledge. And we'll keep standing out there every single Sunday, doubling our numbers, from now until we've got so many people with us that we cannot be ignored.
So how about it? Have you had enough? Will you stand with us?