for handing * the WH, here is the info:
Former Ohio Secretary of State and 2006 Ohio gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell – also a Cincinnati native – will be a featured speaker at the Midwest Republican Leadership Conference in Indianapolis next weekend.
Blackwell is scheduled to speak at the Aug. 25 morning breakfast. The conference, designed to showcase the Republican presidential candidates, runs from Aug. 24-26.
“If anyone knows the importance of the Midwest when it comes to electing a president, it’s Ken Blackwell,” Indiana Republican Party Chairman Murray Clark said. “He served as chief election officer in Ohio when that state’s voters decided who would be president in 2004.”
Also scheduled to attend the conference are former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, a GOP presidential contender, and former Sen. Fred Thompson, a likely GOP presidential contender. IS A MAN WHO DEFINITELY DESERVES TO BE REWARDED WITH PROTEST SIGNS WHERE EVER HE GOES!