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Hoosiers: How's your poll today? Turn-out?

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Jokerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-06-08 10:33 AM
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Hoosiers: How's your poll today? Turn-out?
Speedway Democrat here. Quick report from me, on what I've seen at the polls so far (5:30 AM-10:15 AM, first shift). Completely unscientific; just my opinions, whatever that's worth.

So what are you all hearing and seeing out there, fellow Hoosiers? Did you work for a candidate today, or at a poll? Anyone run into an early exit polling person yet from the media? I'm certainly not going to miss all those phone calling pollsters and candidates...

Just wanted to share that the turn-out today is really strong, at least in the two polls I've visited/worked at in Marion County so far this morning. I worked at Michigan St. & 51st (for David Orentlicher for Congress) this morning, and we had people standing outside, already in line, ready to vote well before 6 AM at our location when we opened - on time, I might add!

It was very steady all morning, with all sges of folks coming in to vote from 6-10 AM. I brought a chair with me, anticipating being able to sit for a spell between voters (like in past years), but there weren't any lulls in the traffic, so the chair never even came out of the trunk.

At my home precinct in Speedway (was #27, now #9), the poll workers said we have 1,200 registered to vote, and nearly 300 had already shown up to vote before 10 AM. Our wonderful poll workers are all seniors, and one told me that she couldn't remember when traffic was this heavy in past elections. Maybe glad for the turn-out!

No one for the Marion County party ever showed up to pass the slate, so they're sitting there in a paper sack at the poll. What an amazing sad. And there 's no one handing out any literature at poll #9. Guess the party has written off Speedway once again - how short-sighted. *sigh*

HEY! Anybody from State Senate District #35 who wants to run against Mike Young(R) this fall??? Obviously, the party didn't slate anyone, as the Democratic ballot was blank. We're going to just let him win in November??? C'mon - somebody STEP UP!

And I met 5 high school students this morning, voting before school. They were voting all voting in their very first election and seemed very excited. WOW. Just wow!

This is so EXCITING for us Hoosier political junkies!

What say you all? Wassup?

--Speedway Democrat
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Jokerman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-06-08 10:46 AM
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1. .
Edited on Tue May-06-08 11:43 AM by Jokerman
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PVnRT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-06-08 11:48 AM
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2. I voted two weeks ago....
So I can't say anything, although there were about three other people at the satellite place the same time as me and my wife.
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Delphinus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-06-08 01:04 PM
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3. I visited a handful of polling sites today
in NE Indiana.

One was a nursing home, which, since the people lived on-site, was busy, busy, busy. The other five had a steady stream of people. This was all between 9 AM and noon.

Absentee voting was high, as was the early voting.
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Indiana_Dem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-06-08 01:29 PM
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4. From Cass County around noon:
From what I've heard on the local news: 5000 have voted. I don't know if that includes early voting and mail-in absentees. I've also heard that there are approximately 9000 registered voters in the county, 2400 have already voted early or mail-in. The highest number of absentee/early voting was in 2006 at 1500? So that's about 900 more absentee/early votes than 2006.

This is more like a general election. I walked by one polling place in the mall and a long line was being formed. I would go ASAP if possible. I voted last week.
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caraher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-06-08 07:03 PM
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5. When my son went to vote they were out of Democratic ballots
We have ES&S optical scan machines, but apparently there's some kind of all-electronic device intended for the visually impaired that they used (?!)

This is in Montgomery County, and I know there aren't that many Democrats here. So it looks like Rush and friends did manage to incite a big crossover vote...
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