From this weekends LTTE's to the Trib Star:, state will be parted
In response to Stephanie Salter’s article titled, “An inspired idea: Keep religious endorsements out of politics.” I want to encourage Ms. Salter to just be patient a little longer and she will have exactly what she asked for, well almost exactly.
If a Biblically-based timeline were to be examined we would find that society today is about the middle of the third chapter of Revelations. From the beginning of chapter four, verse two, to the end of the book, the church is never again mentioned in the Bible. It, the Bride of Christ, has been “caught up” or “raptured” away to a place of safety. There we will remain with the Lord until the New Earth, and New Heavens are in place. At which time the ones that were gathered up earlier will return as Kings and Lords, to rule with Jesus Christ the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, ruling with a rod of iron in a monotheistic form of government.
And, thus Ms. Salter, your idea to separate politics and religion will be fulfilled. Christianity and no longer existent politics will be permanently separated.
— Van W. Cottom
Terre Haute
Man, he's good! Being able to pick the exact spot where we are at now in Revelations! Wow!