Daniels won't lift gas sales tax by himself
By Mary Beth Schneider
Posted: July 19, 2008Gov. Mitch Daniels said Friday the notion of suspending the sales tax on gasoline will have to be decided by the legislature, not him.
Daniels' Democratic opponent for the governor's office, former U.S. Rep. Jill Long Thompson, on Thursday renewed her call for Daniels to use some of the state's surplus to give motorists a break at the gas pump immediately
Long Thompson has proposed that the state stop charging the 7-cent sales tax on that portion of gasoline that costs more than $2.75 a gallon. Her campaign said the plan would save motorists about $1 on a 10-gallon fill-up at $4.14 a gallon.
Asked about the idea by reporters, Daniels said Friday he was open to discussing the proposal with lawmakers.
But he disagreed with Long Thompson's assertion that a governor has the authority to suspend the tax without legislative approval.<snip>
Then-Gov. Frank O'Bannon suspended the tax in 2000, at a time when the state was flush with cash.http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080719/NEWS05/807190439"My Man" Mitch gets caught in another lie. My disdain for this man is compounded by the fact that I tower over him, and that's wearing flats.