3rd CD
Our analysis last spring was that if we were talking about the 3rd CD in late October, there would be a national wave developing. So here we are and Howey/Gauge has Montagano leading Rep. Souder 44-41 percent. Montagano has campaigned hard and has 83 percent name ID. Souder’s re-elect stands at 35 percent and those saying they want to elect someone new is at 50 percent. In the Fort Wayne media market, it stood at 53 percent.
Souder’s fav/unfav stood at 42/33 percent, Montagano’s at 33/22 percent. Montagano leads in Allen County 50-40 percent and 48/38 percent among self-identified independents.
This poll was taken after the news media began covering the story of Montagano’s father buying him a $326,000 home while the candidate - participating in the first election where he would be eligible for Congress - has no discernible income.
The party identification stood at 47 percent Republican and 39 percent Democrat with 14 percent independent.