Just finished voting at the City County building in downtown Indy. It took about 90 minutes, but just as I was getting to the front of the line they opened up a second office so perhaps it's going faster now.
According to the Indianapolis Star, the northside location (North Central HS) is the slowest option, taking up to 3 hours. I can verify that I waited for 15 minutes just to turn into the parking lot Friday am, after which I gave up for the moment.
The southside location is taking only about 30 minutes.
Downtown, it was a sea of Obama supporters. The Mitch Daniels people were there, but no one was really paying any attention. Someone from Gabrielle Campo's campaign (Repub running against incumbent 7th District Congressman Andre Carson) tried to engage the line, including me, but ran into pretty much a stone wall. Carson is popular here.
We also saw Mary Ann Sullivan talking to folks about her run for District 97 State Rep; it's the top pickup target for the Dems. She's got a great shot to oust incumbent Jon Elrod.
All in all, not as painful as I feared, the early voting. The line kept moving, and once you get into the Clerk's office you can see why it takes a while. We're voting on scannable paper ballots so each one has to be custom printed for the voter to match their precinct. Very well organized considering the nature of the beast.