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Time to contact Evan Bayh if you want to dissuade him about Joe Lieberman

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Nov-10-08 10:11 PM
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Time to contact Evan Bayh if you want to dissuade him about Joe Lieberman
Here is text of e-mail I just send to his office via his website:

You and the other Democratic Senators are going to caucus next Tuesday. Lieberman will be the major topic. Obama's suggestion on keeping Lieberman in the caucus notwithstanding, it doesn't follow that Lieberman keep his chair of the Homeland Security Committee.

I don't care whether you vote to keep Lieberman in the Democratic Caucus or not. I do care about Lieberman retaining his Chair of the Homeland Security Committee.

Two reasons:

Lieberman Lends His Name To Fear-Mongering Documentary On American Muslims And Terrorism
By Justin Elliott - November 10, 2008, 4:56PM

Joe Lieberman, who is locked in a fight to hold onto his Senate Homeland Security Committee chairmanship, is lending his name to a lurid sequel of the documentary Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against The West. That film, which was distributed through newspaper inserts and mass mailings to 28 million swing-state households during the campaign, was denounced by religious leaders for painting all Muslims with the same broad brush and for its cartoonish portrayal of Islamic terrorism.

The new documentary, called The Third Jihad: Radical Islam's Vision For America, focuses on the "hidden war against the freedom and values we all take for granted" being waged by radical Islamists trying to take down America from within. Among other things, the film warns of the "subtle dangers of non-violent cultural jihad and its influence in America's universities."

And this one:

Remove Lieberman from all Domestic Security and National Security Roles

Steve Clemons

Joe Lieberman wants to keep his status and committees and caucus with the Democrats. He has been a fear-monger and someone who has promoted a dangerous, reckless false choice between American relations with Israel and other parts of the Middle East. He is a devout neoconservative who has been a key enabler of many of the most nefarious groups that promoted the Iraq War and who want a series of new wars in the region.

But more than that, he strongly supported someone a heartbeat away from the presidency who knew virtually nothing about America's place in the world, who knew nothing of American history and its leaders and conventions and founders.

Lieberman is dangerous on so many levels -- and he has not apologized for any of his positions or offered any explanation that should make Americans feel comfortable with this Senator in the next four years as Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security.

If Dems would like to keep Joe Lieberman in the caucus, give him responsibility for education policy, telecom policy, health care -- but the price for the Dems keeping this fearmonger is that he be removed from any position with key responsibility for national security or domestic security matters.

It is useful to refresh the memory of what Joe Lieberman said about Sarah Palin, on stage with her, and what he remained on stage listening to as Sarah Palin talked about "Barack Obama's terrorist friends. . ."

I beg of you Senator Bayh, that you join Senator Schumer and strip Lieberman of his chairmanship of Homeland Security. Lieberman is a threat to our civil liberties and a potential threat to the incoming Obama Administration.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Voltaire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-11-08 08:37 AM
Response to Original message
1. I want Lieberman out of the caucus, lock, stock, and barrel
That rat bastard is a traitor to the Democratic Party. Even if it means he goes over to the other side, I want him out of here. He is a selfish, perfidious son of a bitch. I cannot wait to contribute money and if need be, shoe leather, to get that fucker voted out in CT. He is a blight on the Senate. He is as ambitious as Lucifer.

Did I mention he is a rat bastard? Better to be rid of him. A devil like that should not remain in a position to hold the majority in the Senate hostage. I don't care how much they like him personally.
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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-11-08 11:41 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. I would rather have him shot after a summary trial, but my side ain't running the show
Bayh is reported to want Lieberman in the caucus, as apparently is Bill Clinton who is actively lobbying for it, so the best approach to Bayh is to nudge him into Chuck Schumer's direction and just strip Lieberman of his committee chair. Chances are that the traitor Joe will then bolt to the GOP, a place in which he will be as much a pariah as he is where he is at now.

Lieberman will sabotage any peace steps by Obama in the Middle East for Joe is allied with the most extreme elements in Israel.

Has anyone noticed that Gore hasn't said a word about Lieberman's fate?
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