Hello fellow DUers!
In addition to being a loyal DUer, I am also the Indiana state leader for Students For Equality, a grassroots organization created to promote student activism for GLBT causes. Our primary goal is to get the youth more involved in the human rights movement towards GLBT equality. We want to keep them politically active.
On January 27th, we will be having an event called Equality on Campus Day. We created a t-shirt that we hope students can order and wear that day to promote visibility in our movement. Our hope is that if enough students wear the same shirt, then it will start conversations relating to our organization, and the GLBT rights movement. We are also holding this event one week after Barack Obama's inauguration, so that he doesn't feel that we will simply go away and forget all the promises that he made us!
The proceeds from our t-shirt sales will go to benefit Lambda Legal since they are currently fighting the state of California to repeal Prop 8. Lambda Legal has also fought for LGBT equality in many other cases, including overturning sodomy laws in the United States on a federal level.
If you are a student, I encourage you to go to our site, sign up for our email list and get involved! If you aren't student, I encourage you to purchase a shirt, as not only does it benefit a great organization and increases awareness of our movement, but the design is quite fashionable
Our website is : studentsforequality.com
Thank you for your time, and I hope that you join with us in unity!