So many lives lost and so many dreams shattered by the lack of political will to do the right thing in Afghanistan and bring our troops home. This is the ultimate outcome of our remaining in Afghanistan: more dead and more wounded with more innocent civilians finding themselves in the crosshairs of both sides of this conflict.
How many more funerals must our nation endure before the people rise up and say "Enough to war?"
Terre Haute parade salutes slain soldier
By Will Higgins
Posted: November 11, 2009TERRE HAUTE, Ind. -- The hearse rolling behind the snapping flags of the police department color guard gave grave significance to this Indiana city's Veterans Day parade.
The hearse carried the remains of Army Sgt. Dale Griffin of Terre Haute. A roadside bomb in Afghanistan killed him Oct. 27.
President Obama saluted the return of Griffin's remains to the United States two days later at Dover Air Force Base.
Many observers said this parade was better attended -- hundreds lined the eight-block route -- than most previous Veterans Day marches in this western Indiana city.
The crowd was silent as the hearse passed, with many people holding their hands over their hearts. A high school band played "God Bless America."
After the parade, Griffin's body will be taken to Terre Haute South Vigo High School. There, his funeral will begin at 2 p.m.