The Star reports that Brizzi bought CLST stock before Durham became a board member.
Umm, Carl, what in God's name would make you say, "You know what? I'm going to invest $10,000 in a struggling, Texas-based wholesale cell phone company?!?!" I'm supposed to believe you didn't get a wink or nod about CLST from a guy who was your biggest donor?
Brizzi's defense is that he lost money on the stock, which is worth about ten cents a share now. Sure, the stock lost value, but Durham was elected to the board to sell off the assets and distribute the proceeds to the shareholders. How much did Brizzi get on the distribution?
Also, where did Brizzi, a guy who has been on the public payroll longer than I can remember (since 2002 as Marion County Prosecutor, then under Scott Newman, and before that, under Dan Burton) get the money to invest in Harry & Izzy's? And how much did he invest? It's a nice spot (with great steakburgers, so kudos to Manager Jeff Smith), but there's no way that decor was cheap.
Brizzi needs to come clean on his finances. Whether he does or not will tell you whether he can. And if he can't, you won't see him on the ballot in 2010.