Thank you for your correspondence regarding the recent cuts in funding to K-12 public education. Governor Daniels has reviewed your letter and asked that I respond.
During this national recession, the state's revenue collections have dropped severely over the past 14 months. As a result, the governor has been forced to make difficult spending decisions to keep the state in a strong fiscal position while not impacting services to Hoosiers, and without a tax increase. In December 2008, he directed $750 million in state agency reductions; another 20 percent reductions was ordered this fall.
During these extraordinary times, the governor has said that, while regrettable, K-12 education must participate in necessary budget savings by reducing their operating budgets by $297 million. It represents 2.7 percent of the total $11 billion schools receive from all sources or 3.5 percent of current state funding. While these measures are unwelcome, the State Board of Education is working with school districts to implement cost savings strategies like those that have been applied across so much of state government already. The governor believes the needed savings can be achieved without laying off teachers or increasing class sizes and encourages Hoosiers to use the State Board of Education "Citizens' Checklist" if their school corporation suggests teacher layoffs. You can view these recommendations at: As school districts search for ways to decrease spending, the governor is committed to working with schools to ensure that Indiana continues to provide Hoosier students with high quality educational opportunities.
Thank you for contacting Governor Daniels and please do not hesitate to contact our office should you have further concerns.
Stefanie Krevda
Constituent Services
Office of the Governor