Edited on Sun Feb-21-10 06:11 PM by RainDog
I know a few of them very well.
but honestly, at the state level - what I see in Indiana doesn't really give much incentive for anyone to waste time if they oppose the DLC/Rahm demo. My town is so much more liberal than Indiana as a whole, I suppose, that, even tho I have lived here for years, raised my children here... I cannot identify with this state because its politics bear so little resemblance to my views. In my view, I live in Bloomington, not Indiana. Indiana does not represent me. Bloomington does.
I've never voted FOR the dem. candidate in Indiana - I've always voted against the republican. but now the dem is as bad as the republican, so what do you do? to me, I see this as a time when I cannot, in good conscience, vote for the democrat. I cannot vote for a theocrat. this is how I see Ellsworth, based upon his actions.
I'm not gay, hispanic, af-am or young. is there a special interest group for white middle-aged hetero moms who are sick of conservadems?
since you are clued in to state pols, I have a couple of questions.
- is Ellsworth part of the C-street "Fellowship?"
I can email Jeff Sharlet, who has done most of the investigative reporting on this to find out, but curious if this is something discussed at the state level. If he is, you can be sure that this will be an attack point against him from the liberal side and it will have A LOT of resonance here, among women and men, but especially women.
What % of women make up the democratic vote in Indiana, I wonder? What a smack in the face for the democrats to put up a anti-woman candidate.
Do the democrats have a clue about voters in this state? do the democrats really think Ellsworth can win the votes of liberal democrats, who have long been pro-choice, pro-safety net, pro restrictions on corps to make them more accountable, pro science (as opposed to religious beliefs as a substitute for the same.)
Ellsworth is apparently more conservative than republicans like Olympia Snow. Is Indiana declaring its allegiance to southern stupidity? I wish Indiana would decide to be part of the smart midwest rather than the idiotic south (and, just to note, I'm from the south, so these are people I know intimately - and why I refused to ever live there when my children were young... do I now have to consider moving out of Indiana because the theocrats are putting up a stealth candidate?)
I start conversations with people every day in the course of my work, some of them are people I know, some are people I don't know. We talk about politics and issues.
Those who i.d. as liberals or democrats or however you want to put it will be repelled by Ellsworth's positions - based upon his willingness to let religion intrude in govt.
I am really dismayed. Bayh "lost" in the infighting in demo party, it seems to me, when Indiana endorsed Obama. the state "rejected" Bayh when the democrats here voted for Obama. (and I was soooooo happy Bayh was not the vp choice. he would have hurt the party at the national level, in the same way that people reject Lieberman.)
so now the party does not have a primary so they can select the candidate rather than fight it out and the candidate they pick is further to the right than Bayh, after the 2008 election, which, it seemed clear to me, was a democratic voter rejection of this same conservatism.
...which is another slap in the face to state democratic voters, in my view.