Indiana Democratic Party: Pick a nominee that will fight for ALL Hoosiers!
Petition - February 18th, 2010
URGENT: Demand the Indiana Democratic Party to select a nominee for Senate who will fight for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Hoosiers in Congress. In the next few days, the central committee of the Indiana Democratic Party will select their nominee for United States Senate, filling the void left by retiring Senator Evan Bayh.
Several of the most prominent potential nominees have a bad track record on LGBT issues. They voted against hate crimes legislation, and to kill LGBT bills in past Congresses. The party could easily select an anti-equality nominee to be the next Senator from Indiana.
We can't let that happen.
The Indiana Democratic Party has the power to select a pro-equality nominee. And we have the power to convince them to do the right thing. Please sign the Stonewall Democrats petition to demand the central committee select a pro-equality nominee.
To the Central Committee of the Indiana Democratic Party:
We, the undersigned, are writing to insist that you select a Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate from Indiana who will fight for all Hoosiers in Washington -- including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ones.
Party Chair Dan Parker said in the Indianapolis Star that "hoever this nominee is, they have to have the entire party behind them."
No anti-equality nominee could ever have the entire party behind him or her.
LGBT voters have been loyal to the Democratic Party -- in Indiana and across the nation -- and our issues are important. Nothing could be more American than wanting fairness and equality for our families and in our jobs.
Please stand up for the LGBT citizens of Indiana, and select a nominee for Senate who will fight for them and their families.
(your name)