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Great Blog Post (by a Republican!) on Indy Republican Crime Syndicate

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democraticinsurgent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-16-10 02:40 PM
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Great Blog Post (by a Republican!) on Indy Republican Crime Syndicate
As an elected Marion Co. precinct committeeperson and life-long Republican, I am totally ashamed of the corrupt state of affairs my party has brought to our public. I grew up in Illinois and believe me when I say, Indianapolis has become every bit as corrupt as the City of Chicago. The only difference is that it's my party stinking up the place and not the Democratic Party.

Think about recent events. Marion Co. Prosecutor Carl Brizzi is strongly linked to an alleged Ponzi scheme operator, Tim Durham, a major benefactor of Republicans throughout the state of Indiana. Evidence emerges that his office negotiated the early release of a convicted murderer in exchange for large contributions from the murderer's wealthy father. And more recently, there have been damaging revelations about Brizzi's all-too cozy relationship with real estate developer John Bales, which has been well-documented by the IBJ's outstanding coverage of Brizzi's tendency of landing business opportunities with city contractors and well-heeled members of the community on his relatively modest salary as county prosecutor.

Earlier this week, disgraced and indicted Perry Township Constable Roy Houchins conveniently drops dead in a restaurant/pub parking lot shortly before he was rumored to have been scheduled to enter a plea agreement on the federal charges brought against him. A federal investigation uncovered a badge-selling scheme run out of his office. Apparently, many of his badge buyers were members of the Columbia Club (and not all were Republicans) who had much to fear from damaging information he could share with federal prosecutors as part of a plea agreement. The Perry Township Trustee Gary Coons negotiated a deal to merge his township's fire department with the Indianapolis Fire Department and was quickly rewarded with a new job in the public safety department created especially for him. Until the media inquired about how he could hold two full-time public jobs at the same time, Coons had intended to continue drawing salaries from both positions.

This past week, City-County Councilor Lincoln Plowman, who also served as a high-ranking IMPD official resigned both his police officer's job (with full pension benefits) and his council position after an ethics complaint was filed by Councilor Angela Mansfield to determine the reason behind Plowman's sudden suspension a month ago after he reportedly refused to cooperate in an FBI investigation. Mayor Ballard and Public Safety Director Frank Straub know the nature of the investigation but refuse to disclose any facts to the media. Why? Might it be that players a little too close to the Mayor had an unsuspecting part in the undercover sting conducted by the FBI that allegedly nabbed Plowman accepting a consulting fee for help with an out-of-state strip club owner needing assistance with a zoning matter? Instead of addressing the issue, Mayor Ballard headed out of the country on another junket to Brazil, his fourth overseas trip since becoming mayor by my count. A trip that I might add is funded by business interests lobbying for economic development handouts. Coincidentally, his economic development advisor, Nick Weber, announced he would be leaving his city job to assist Baker & Daniels and its clients in economic development matters.

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IndianaGreen Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-16-10 05:10 PM
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1. Wow! That's a real nice find by you.
I will be happy to share it with my friends.

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democraticinsurgent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-16-10 05:41 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. thanks
if you are not following the Tim Durham/Carl Brizzi scandal, it's pretty fascinating. Nice to see Advance Indiana help tie up some of the loose ends.

There's a lot of great reporting on as well. This thing is either going to be bottled up by the top GOP powers (Servaas, Daniels) or it's going to explode in a very ugly way.
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indypaul Donating Member (896 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-22-10 12:38 PM
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3. And the "Energizer Bunny" just keeps going and going
So let us now move in a westerly direction on Market Street and behold
these events are now stretching to the State Capitol with involvement
of the DCS. Check out the following:
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indypaul Donating Member (896 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-03-10 01:32 PM
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4. and going
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indypaul Donating Member (896 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-08-10 11:46 AM
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5. and going
And now even the Indianapolis Star is calling for the resignation
of Mr. Brizzi. Surely his days are numbered. With his resignation
and Guvenator Mitch appointing Massa as his replacement. Tom John
and his crew will certainly be able to keep the lid on this situation.
After all, who would want to keep this mess on a daily schedule of
disclosures that embarrass the GOP? They did a perfect job of keeping the
Plowman incident beneath the radar. Why would they not be able to do the
same with Brizzi? Certainly, with Guvenator Mitch's personal attorney at
the helm who would dare embarrass the GOP with any prosecution and Carl
fades slowly into the sunset minus his pension of course. Sorry Carl,
you'll just have to take one for the Grand Old Party. This should give
City/County Council President Ryan Vaughn another opportunity to "sit
down and have some honest conversations on what we're doing and get
refocused" I can only suggest to Mr. Vaughn and other members of
the City/County Council the age of reason is approximately seven years
of age. It is past time for the voters of Marion County to refocus.
Let us hope it is not too late. The silence so far of the Democratic
leadership in Marion County has become deafening.
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