The following is very preliminary being planned by peace activists. I redacted many of the details because they are still under discussion. I will post new information as it becomes available.
Midwestern Peace Summit
When: On 2-3 days in March 12-20, 2005 spring break time slot determined to be most convenient for the largest number of participants.
Where: Indianapolis on the campus of Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis as well as cooperating institutions in the city
Sponsors: Students for Peace In Iraq (IUPUI) and as many cooperating university, religious, and community groups as possible.
Tentative Program: The summit is envisioned as a series of workshops, lectures, art exhibits, cultural performances, and public demonstrations on the need to find an immediate peaceful end to the United States occupation of Iraq as well as to promote tactics for the nonviolent resolution of other economic, political, and social injustice confronting the world today. Indiana is a state with an abundance of academic programs and religious, community, and activist groups committed to peace. Let us take a lead in organizing the Midwest and the nation for Peace. Indianapolis is centrally located and the IUPUI campus has generously volunteered its facilities. This is an opportunity that should not be missed.
Contact: (Redacted) on behalf of Students for Peace in Iraq