Current Republican Indiana State Treasurer 'Mourdock is best known for his attempts to derail the Chrysler-Fiat merger, a case that was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court during the summer of 2009 when the U.S. auto industry teetered on the brink. When the merger occurred, Mourdock believed that Indiana police and teacher pension funds were getting "ripped off."
Rhodes Scholar and Oxford grad who studied economics, Pete Buttigieg, a South Bend native is the Democrat challenging Mourdock.
'Buttigieg is critical of Mourdock's attempts to stop the Chrysler-Fiat merger, which, if it had occurred, would have forced Chrysler into liquidation. He questioned Mourdock's wisdom for investing Hoosier pension funds into Chrysler stock, which was rated "junk" status at the time of purchase. "Indiana’s government bought junk bonds for its pensioners" then "acted surprised when they lost value,"'
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