Message: Rep. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., said he was "disappointed that Speaker Pelosi is going to seek the position of Minority Leader."
Donnelly issued a statement Friday after Pelosi's announcement, saying he won't vote for her to be minority leader. "I strongly believe we need a change in leadership to reflect the desires of the millions of people who cast votes in this recent election," he said.
Exactly who are these "millions of people who cast votes in this recent election" who's desire he believes need
to be reflected. Donnelly represents the Democrats and Independents of the 2nd District here in Indiana, who helped him defeat the teabagger Jackie Walorski. I called Donnelly's office this morning to tell them how frustrating it is to have him attack Pelosi just like the teabaggers we so abhor. How cowardly of him to come out publicly to kick her just one more time, as if she didn't carry enough water for the party in the last 2 years. What a fucking coward and ingrate! This is a guy how hasn't sponsored and passed one bill of his own during the entire 111th congress criticising the woman that lead them to pass the almost impossible health care bill.
I voted for Donnelly to try and hold the congress and because the idea of Jackie Walorski in Washington as anything other than a tourist is enough to make me sick. But he has now put himself on the top of my shit list. His rep will be in town on Wednesday and I will be on his doorstep first thing to tell him in person that Mr. Donnelly is a coward who kicked Pelosi when she was down for his own political gain. What he fails to recognize is that the 1.4% he won by are the people he should be thanking, and the reason we voted for him is that we thought that he had the gonads to stand up to the teabaggers and do what was right for the District instead of what was politically expedient.