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I sent an e-mail to the governor today

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Indianademocrat91 Donating Member (287 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-10 04:45 PM
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I sent an e-mail to the governor today
about the disgusting decision he made in the case of Seth Petreikis. If you dont know about the story read here...

Mr. Mitch,
After reading of how your administration has denied six-month-old Seth Petreikis the chance of a new and healthy life, I cannot sit around any longer and keep quiet about your double-standards and pathetic attempt at governance. This boy can be helped and saved from a surgery but because you have to "balance" the budget, you have decided to let him die. His blood is on your hands, as well as many others who due to your own failed policies have died as a result of not getting the medical treatments they need. You say you are pro-life and don't believe in the "murder" of children, yet you let Seth die. Please tell me how that isn't a double standard? I don't know how you can live with yourself after doing this to innocent people. You're handling of this, the food stamps, education, and the toll-road give away to big corporations is just sickening and in itself criminal. You say you are a man of the people, then show it by giving this boy another chance at life. Don't steal his life away from him like you have numerous others.

***** (A disgusted college freshman)
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LittleGirl Donating Member (377 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-09-10 08:00 PM
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