I think this is a great idea. Hand-counting is the best. Most affordable, most trustworthy.
Please contact officials to support plain paper ballots.
http://www.pal-item.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20041130/NEWS01/411300307/1008IBERTY, Ind. -- Union County officials thought waiting until after the election to buy new election equipment would make the decisions easier.
On Monday, officials learned a lot of pitfalls still exist in buying a new way to cast ballots.
Paper ballots are still attractive here, but not the kind that are scanned by optical readers. Some Union County officials think a return to hand-counted paper ballots might be the simplest and lowest-cost system for a county with only 5,000 registered voters. Other officials say returning to paper ballots would be a step backward.
"The labor needed to count them, and they're open to human error," Commissioner Gary Davis said. "Paper ballots are not an option, in my opinion."
Commissioner Allen Paddock disagreed, saying paper ballots should be considered as well as the other systems.
The commissioners made no decisions Monday except to agree they want more quotes on voting equipment. A quote from Fidlar Election Co. won't be made public until others are received.