Two more Iowa theatres added for F-9/11!
Blue Gardener
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Mon Jun-21-04 04:50 PM
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Two more Iowa theatres added for F-9/11! |
Collins Theaters in Cedar Rapids and Campus Theatres in Iowa City, both open Friday. There may be more I don't know of, but these are much closer for me than the previously announced Des Moines and Davenport.
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Mon Jun-21-04 04:53 PM
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I was very surprised when there were no theaters in Iowa City and/or C.R. on the original list. I mean, Iowa City is a VERY liberal place. Hooray for you all up in the corridor. And CR has the MWL all star game too. I like CR.
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Mon Jun-21-04 04:56 PM
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Iowa City in particular - I thin I even posted on this earlier - the chain that handles IC always used to be pretty tight, though. I think this is a great sign - folks think there is money to be made!
Don't forget Red beer Chek days in CR!
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Mon Jun-21-04 05:07 PM
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Edited on Mon Jun-21-04 05:07 PM by blueknight
right across the ohio river from the most vile,racist,conservative city in america (cincinnati)farenhiet will be shown at newport on the levy at the amc theaters
Blue Gardener
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Mon Jun-21-04 06:07 PM
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They must be adding theatres all aroung the country!
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:46 AM
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