As a Marionite I found this pretty interesting. Adamson, a Huckabee supporter, hit "reply to all" (intentionally), and then climbed atop his soapbox, bashing Romney, Mormonism, and perhaps Islam in the process of declining an invitation to assist with a Romeny table and an upcoming event....
Full email here: here: from email:
"Would any of you support an avowed atheist for president? Do you think religion, especially Christianity, is being marginalized by ACLU and other organizations? If so than you would be piling on to vote in a Mormon. Mormonism is a cult. In case I didn’t type it clearly enough… Mormonism is a cult. I won’t vote for Mitt Romney for numerous other reasons, but based on my knowledge of Mormonism, I would not trust him as my president as he might be fooled into believing most anything. How could he possibly be trusted to negotiate with Islamic radicals? He might believe Muslim and Mormons are the same, just like he tries to pass off Mormons as Christians. The Mormon Church is extremely wealthy and extremely secretive. But that is information for another time. Additionally, the LDS religion is sexist, racist, and the Church president is considered both a prophet (on the same level as Jesus) and ultimately the authority for God on earth. Mitt would be going against Mormon doctrine and risks ex-communication if he didn’t take orders from his Church. An ex-communicated Mormon loses their salvation. So either he is willing to be one of “those who would jettison their beliefs, even to gain the world” or he is just one of those people willing to forego his own personal salvation to be president of the United States? Would you choose to be President or choose Christ as your Savior? I’m just asking a simple question. I know “UR4JC”. Sorry, couldn’t resist that play on words"