's Iowa Offices Are Still Open
By: Steve Nicoles, Reporter
By Steve Nicoles
Story Created: Jan 10, 2008
Story Updated: Jan 10, 2008
IOWA CITY - The Iowa caucuses are over, and many campaigns have left the state, but one candidate does not want to lose that Iowa feeling. Barack Obama is keeping his offices open in Des Moines, Cedar Falls and Iowa City. Volunteers are calling people in other states that have upcoming primaries and caucuses. Obama took Iowa by storm a week ago, and the campaign wants to keep that energy. Volunteer Coordinator Nicole Stickel said, “We just want to make sure that energy travels into other states so we figure what better use of an office then to phone bank other states and capture that Iowa energy."
Wow, now that's good politics. I like the idea, it keeps his supporters energized and involved, and has to really help free up people who would otherwise be organizing phone banks in the following states. Does anyone recall this being done in the past? I'm impressed.