Yesterday the Gazette had an article on a potential Dave opponent, Marianette Miller-Meeks. The article (by James Lynch who I usually like) had much criticism by Meeks of Loebsack's stand on health care but little mention of her own proposals. So I took some time to go to her website. Surprise, surprise. Her proposals are the same old you are on your own gooper health care package. I have gotten emails saying her health care proposals are different because she is A DOCTOR! bullshit. From her website: ================================================================================= The competition in the health delivery system is geared to provide value to the insurer, employer or government. Most of us are faced with rising insurance premiums, higher co-pays and deductibles and the fear of losing coverage if we change jobs. Health care delivery can be realigned to provide value to you, the consumer. The recipient of the service is the only one who can hold down costs and still have choice.
Single payer systems have continually decreased payment to providers or hospitals to control costs and ultimately ration care and limit innovation and technology. From there governments legislate your activities so that you do not engage in "risky" behaviors that could cost the health delivery system more. Consumer guided and purchased health insurance through a national risk pool with multiple insurance players would allow affordability and portability. ====================================================================================
Same old shit - here's a bandaid for that cancer.