I sent Grassley an email in early July about investigating the Downing Street Memo. Today, I got a letter in the mail from Grassley's office. After thanking me for writing him and that it is important to hear my views, he quickly starts the Rightwing talking points. I will summarize them....
-Congress supported a bipartisian resolution to authorize military force -Hussein defied several UN resolutions -assertions of WMD's were held by the US, our allies, the UN, and the Clinton Administration -the US enacted broad intelligence reforms following the 9/11 commission report -Historic elections were made in Iraq -Iraqi leaders will draft a new constitution (oh boy, freedom is on the march :woohoo: )
He then ends the letter by talking about the "fragile nature of this infant democracy" and how the "insurgents and enemies would rather kill Americans and Iraqis than allow continued progress toward democracy." :puke:
Here is the kicker. He says that the troops "deserve our full support." As if my asking him to investigate the Downing Street Memo, means I wasn't support the troops. :wow:
He then assure me that he will closely monitor the situation in Iraq and thanks me for contacting him and he appreciates hearing my views.
Now, I know for a fact that Grassley has rolled over and is letting Rove or Gannon or some other Wingnut rub his belly. I once thought that he stood up for the common person and held Iowa values, but not anymore. He is no longer a Republican in my opinion, he is just another Rightwingnut. He just poured out the Rightwing talking points. I don't care if the man mows his own yard. Hopefully, he retires and doesn't run in 2010 cause we need a new Senator in Iowa.