Democratic party uncovers some of the real history of the 16 years of Brandstadt rule in Iowa.
As one who lived through it, I can vouch that it wasn't all sunshine and lightness while Terry grew up in the governor's job.
# Branstad raised the sales tax – twice! In his first year in office, Branstad raised the sales tax by 25%.<1> It would not be the last time. He went back to the tax well over and over, increasing the sales tax 67%<2> as Governor.
# Branstad raised the gas tax on Iowa drivers. Branstad wasn't afraid to add to the pain at the pump for Iowans. During his tenure, he raised the gasoline tax by a total of five cents per gallon.<3>
# Terry Branstad even proposed a state income tax on Social Security recipients.<4>
# Branstad kept two sets of books. Branstad was hammered in the press and public for keeping two sets of books for the state<5> and running up a deficit of more than $400 million.<6> These days, voters will not tolerate this type of "creative accounting."
I am not a huge fan of Culver's but Lordy don't let Brandstadt back in.